Welcome to Somatic Embodiment Continuing Education!Ā 

Holy sh!t! Stuff I THOUGHT Iā€™d dealt with came up in a whole new way to ACTUALLY be opened up, reorganized and healed in a new, healthier way. I can see that so much of my life Iā€™ve been everything others wanted me to be. These are things Iā€™d explored with a spiritual teacher once but this is a much deeper realization. I could actually FEEL the shift rather than just be aware of it intellectually. Now Iā€™m exploring who I am without all these defenses and masks Iā€™ve worn my entire life to keep me safe. I have an embodied sense of SAFETY now such that I can be fully myself.Ā 


This work has liberated me ENTIRELY from all the trauma responses and long-term negative patterns I was always having. Thereā€™s space now between the two pieces of velcro that held these responses together. Now I can let them go, my grip on them has loosened. I went from gripping to an open palm, open, receptive. I'm not interested in gripping onto some identity anymore- Iā€™m open, free, liberated, at peace. Itā€™s like Iā€™ve let go of these emotional weights Iā€™ve been carrying around my entire life. My body feels entirely connected all at the same time.Ā 


Learning how to be embodied and present in my life has allowed me to step out of a cycle of toxic, abusive relationships and into a healthier relationship than Iā€™ve ever been in in my life. Itā€™s completely flipped everything I learned growing up, even after years of therapy!Ā 


What you can expect in Somatic Embodiment Continuing Education:Ā 

  • Yoga.
  • Meditation.Ā 
  • Paid substack subscription ($96 value for a year)
  • 30% discount on all Jennaā€™s public workshops.Ā 
  • Access to the portal for 6 months after you finish the new program.Ā 
  • Biweekly somatic skill building continuing education call.
  • If you live outside Oregon or CA, you are eligible to receive a free 1:1 session with Jenna if you record a video testimonial about your positive experience in the group. $375 value.Ā  You will also have the opportunity to become an affiliate for the Somatic Embodiment program - anyone you refer, should they sign up, youā€™ll receive a certain percentage of their fee as a thank you.
  • Ct Ed topics: healing from narcissistic abuse and emotionally immature parents, conscious communication, continued somatic skill building, polyvagal topics,Ā healing shame, healing codependency, healing developmental trauma.

$250 per month


Billed monthly


3 installments of $475


$75 discount


6 months in advance


$150 discount


If you still have questions, please schedule a consult with Jenna here. Please be sure to have read all the FAQs above before booking.Ā 

Please know that your spot will not be saved until you fully enroll through one of the payment links above. Calls can only be booked 10 days in advance.Ā 

Book a 15 minute consult