Somatic Embodiment Group Experience for the adult children of narcissistic parents

From stressed, stuck and traumatized to whole, healed and highly effective

My June 2024 cohort will have a special focus on adult children of narcissistic parents and is appropriate for children and parents of all genders.


The June 2024 cohort is the LAST opportunity to receive live coaching from me on this topic.


As the adult child of a narcissistic, emotionally immature or neglectful parent, there are distinct things you need to learn and skills you need to practice to heal these patterns at the root so you don't spend another decade+ talking about it to no avail. 

To learn more, apply here
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Here's what you can expect in our six months healing from narcissistic abuse and developmental trauma: 

Module 1: How you were left

  • Understand the ways you didn't get your needs met as a child and how that might be affecting you as an adult.
  • Build safety in the body and nervous system so you can finally be connected to yourself
  • Find the balance between empathy for yourself and others.
  • Learn easily digestible information on the most cutting edge nervous system healing methods.
  • Discern whether or not your parent is emotionally immature or narcissistic. That will then inform the quality of the relationship you'll be able to have with them.
  • Wake the nervous system up from freeze and dissociation or being "off": flat, lethargic, exhausted, foggy, and disconnected from your vitality.
  • Address why it was dangerous to be connected to yourself as a kid and how to heal. 


Module 2: How you leave yourself 

  • Discover how you internalized that experience of not getting your needs met in childhood and how that affects you as an adult.
  • Understanding people pleasing and self abandonment
  • How to attune to yourself.
  • Become gaslight-proof - from others AND yourself!
  • Understand the conflict mind as a way out of codependency and the narcissistic family structure - it's possible for you to heal and show up differently even if your family stays exactly the same. it's never too late for you to change and grow!
  • Connect with your inner world and younger unhealed parts of you - Reparenting made simple.
  • Healing the root of codependency.
  • How to deal with your family even if they're not doing the work!
  • How to have healthy, embodied boundaries - you can think about it for years and nothing will change. Learn how to get into your body so your boundaries are natural, intuitive and easy to implement.
  • Address chronic stress and anxiety at the root: the answer lies in your body.
  • Make it safe enough to be present.
  • Uncover the strategies you used to survive your childhood but may be negatively impacting you as an adult.    


Module 3: Coming home to yourself

  • Become emotionally available to yourself?
  • Stop objectifying yourself -  learning to love yourself as a human being, not a human DOING.
  • Grief work around what you didn't get but should have as a child as well as the parts of you that were not loved because your parent(s) were emotionally stunted.
  • Conscious communication that nips codependency in the bud.
  • How to finally rest when you've worked so hard your entire life to get your needs met. 
  • Red flags in relationships.
  • Green flags in relationships.
  • Understanding your core values as a separate person from your narcissistic parent.
  • Understanding the gut/brain access and its crucial role in your mental health and wellbeing.
  • Acknowledging the gifts your parent gave you.
  • How to stay regulated and connected to yourself even when you're around your narcissistic or EI parent
  • Yoga Nidra for deep, relaxed brain states.
  • Trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness to build resilience and flexibility in the nervous system. A health nervous system is not one that is calm all the time but one that is flexible and resilient in the face of stress.
To learn more, apply here

What you can expect in the Somatic Embodiment Process: 

  • Weekly somatic skill building sessions to build up the resilience, fluidity and rhythm in your system. These calls will take place Sundays at 11:30 am PT starting June 16, 2024. 
  • All cohorts have the same yoga + meditation times: Weekly 50-60 minute trauma-informed yoga classes, online via zoom. Wednesdays 9 am PT. Weekly trauma-informed  meditation class, online via zoom. Fridays at 1 pm PT for ~20 minutes. 
  • This is 2.5 hours a week or 10 hours a month of touch points with me, as opposed to the usual 1 hour/week or 4/month of therapy most people are in. In other words, this is truly an immersive experience if you let it be! 
  • Weekly handouts and worksheets to deepen and integrate your learning. 
  • 40% discounts on many of my online workshops.


  • My 1:1 practice is closed and I do not provide consultation to pre-licensed individuals. This is the last opportunity to work with me live on this topic. 
  • Access to the recordings for a year from when you started. 
  • 50% discount on my in-person somatic eco therapy hikes that happen ~quarterly in Bend, OR.
  • A free paid subscription to my Substack newsletter where I publish some of my most in-depth content on trauma, neuroscience and connection to self- for the duration of your time in any of my groups.
Apply Here


If you’ve been stuck on ON: easily startled, racing thoughts that are difficult to control or turn off, struggling to relax and feeling flooded emotionally

Or stuck on OFF: flat, lethargic, exhausted, foggy, and disconnected from your vitality

Or some combination of both, you’re NOT alone and this group is for YOU!

Does any of this sound like you?

  1. You’re unable to move forward in your life and cognitive therapy and similar approachs that promote “mind over matter” or a “top-down” approach haven’t worked. 
  2. You’ve tried just about everything adn you’re still responding to life in the same habitual ways. You’re yearning for an overhaul. 
  3. You’ve spent years in talk therapy or coaching to no avail or you’ve hit a plateau, despite all the insight you might have. You’re at your wits end and need a more innovative approach to healing. 
  4. you’re motivated, smart, have a high emotional intelligence, a growth mindset and are willing to invest in yourself but can’t figure out why you’re still struggling so much. 

The Somatic Embodiment Group Experience will help you: 

  1. Rewire your brain and nervous system in a safe, gentle yet powerfully life-transforming way so that you are present, grounded, steady and stable yet alive, vibrant, focused, resilient, flexible and highly effective in every area of your life. 
  2. Improve your relationship with yourself and therefore others- develop the capacity for healthy, embodied boundaries that naturally come from your deepest inner wisdom and truth. Boundaries that nourish and honor you and the relationships you hold most dear. 
  3. Build greater capacity for healthy, deep intimacy with yourself and others. 
  4. Increase your resilience so you can move through life’s inevitable stressors and even traumas without getting stuck and developing trauma symptoms. Going through stressful or traumatic events does NOT mean you will develop symptoms if your nervous system is resilient enough. You can prevent them from getting stuck in your body and move through life with resilience and grace by learning the skills I will teach you in this group. 
  5. Actually move forward, stop repeating the same behaviors over and over again and create healthy, new lasting patterns to TRAUMA PROOF YOUR LIFE (yes its possible and I will show you how!). 


To learn more, apply here
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